Monday, August 13, 2007

i love lamps

it's true, i love lamps. i have 6+ lamps in my little apartment and am always tempted to add more. lighting is very important, right? the problem with all my lamps is they lack good shades. these guys ($99) from brocade don't need a shade though, making them the perfect lamp for me. i am partial to the clear...and the stem might look nice in my living room (if it were larger and necessitated more lighting).

once upon a time i had the most amazing lamps bookmarked somewhere but i've since lost them. they were clear like these but more squat and had a red bulb...and they were very affordable. i would love a pair for my bedside table. maybe i'll come across them again, but until then here is another choice from DWR ($228). not in my current budget, but still nice to look...

here are even more choices from conran ($650, $715)...(not nearly as affordable as the brocade option but definitely more appealing to me)

here is a somewhat similar lamp currently in my living room...i lucked out and found a big discount, so i decided to splurge...

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