so that BIG post i said was TK? yeah, i realized i was super hyped on something that wasn't that interesting. i thought i was going to get motivated and book report about it here but then yesterday was dreary and today is even drearier and i'm just not in the mood. so, i'll summarize...
a couple weeks ago i wrote about henry darger and how his artwork reminded me of richard dadd. then a few days ago i wrote about the book i'm reading about the insane dr w.c. minor (who was one of the main contributors to the oxford english dictionary)...well, in the book it mentioned that he was friends with fellow crazy inmate richard dadd (who was in the asylum for killing! annnnyway, i just love when things come full circle like that. _____________________________________________________________________________________
the rain outside has got me down so i'm just going to post some images i'm digging today...
did you see at the end, the one with his paw on the others back? and the yawner midway through? needless to say i'll be watching this on loop all day...
two for friday! i'm back with another post already because today is s.l.o.w. bout to go have some friday-afternoon-at-work-margaritas with my co-workers and then call it a day...but first...
i love to read! i typically read a book a week between the subway and pre-bed time rituals. i almost never juggle books, but over the past few weeks i've been reading the following simulatenously. i don't like that and i'm going to get back to my one book at a time pattern soon, i promise.
this one is so good. it's increased my random food knowledge and perpetuated my growing belief that the government/big business/the media are all in cahoots. i want to buy a copy for my mom, sister, sister-in-law, and you and you and you.
a co-worker lent me this one. donovan's a funny dude. the writing is such an odd mix of him writing naturally and him flat out telling the audience. do you know what i'm saying? that aside, i'm enjoying it. he has a serious inferiority complex when it comes to bob dylan.
this is so good. i started it last and will no doubt finish it first. i found it in a box of books in my old bedroom last week and realized i'd never read it. ummm what else to say about this one...i don't know, it's definitely only for a certain kind of person and that person would be one that is really into reading about how the dictionary as we know it today was composed (aka a geek, square, nerd, ME).
kinda reminds me of space invaders for some reason. maybe one inspired the other? or maybe not.
a lego related story: when my brother and i were little, we would barter barbie playing time with lego playing time. he knew that i liked legos though, so he had an upper hand. we usually compromised at 1/2 hour barbies, 1 hour legos. sometimes we'd go all out and play a barbie/lego combo where the legos were aliens. fun!
#2 this photo
attention, dear sister. you should use the color scheme in this photo in your nursery. how calming.
#3 a plaid dress
i want (need!) the plaid dress in this au revoir simone press photo.
one smart looking dress
because i haven't found it (yet!), i settled for this plaid brassiere instead.
so it's been a minute...but here i am! i was quiet for a few days because i felt it would help to prepare me for a new personal goal. and that goal is...
not interrupting! i've started to realize when somebody brings up a topic that i'm really into or know something interesting about, i overstep myself and interrupt. i quickly follow up my anecdote with an oh my gosh, but you were saying? but that's still rude. and i won't do it anymore. or at least have every intention of curbing it to the best of my potential. _____________________________________________________________________________________
it's spring and i need a new springtime jacket. i've found a few nice uns but they're always mens only! that is not gonna work, even a small would be too big i'm afraid...
this seersucker one from subscript would be real nice...
i can plz has in syze xtra smallz?
oh gosh, this one from woolrich is just...a dream.
guaranteed to turn any boy into a babe _____________________________________________________________________________________
okay this is pretty funny. guy made a drawing of every piece of art at the MOMA viewable to the public between January 19, 2005 to January 31, 2005. clearly i'm a little late to the party, but at any rate, might make a nice gift for a few of the art phags i know...
the same artist, jason polan, has a blog where he is documenting his attempt to draw every person in new york. i'd love to spot myself on there, but sadly i don't frequent the taco bell on 14th (he has so many pics drawn there!).
taco bell on 14th
oh but i'm in luck. you can make an 'appointment' of somewhere you'll be for several minutes and a description of what you're wearing...and he just might show up to draw your portrait (in secret!).
what just crossed my inbox but some info on a little art show i'll have to stop by...
The American Folk Art Museum is home to the world's largest collection of work by Henry Darger, the Chicago recluse and compiler of a 15,000-page chronicle of intergalactic war. Hundreds of watercolored drawings accompany the tale, begun around 1930 and worked on until his death. In them, the often-undressed child heroines of Abbiennia, the Vivian Girls, defend their country against enslavement by the evil Glandelinian people. Dargerism establishes this eccentric genius' pervasive influence on contemporary art by showcasing 11 artists alongside his own drawings. In the process, the exhibition assembles an irresistible anti-canon of young artists seeking an alternative to the sanitary, concept-laden, New York aesthetic.
it's at the American Folk Art Museum and runs till September 21st, so you can walk and not run...i knew they had a henry darger center there, but this will give me extra impetus to get there sooner rather than later...
funny how when you learn about something new, it manages to creep into your world again and again...
Monday, April 14, 2008
wowowow what a great weekend. saturday was a real beaut. yesterday was overcast and chilly but there was a silver lining -- i picked up my new bike...
me and this guy are gonna have lots of good times this summer
peter pizza at the bike shop on lorimer hooked it up. that really is his last name. when i found out, it was hard to resist proposing. mrs. sara pizza. can you imagine?
i cut my hair off and i feel like a new woman! and that woman is...a girl. who knew it would be possible for me to appear even younger than i already do? just call me baby sara.
it's friday night and as i'm wont to do, i drifted to sleep on the couch...and after moving to bed it became apparent sleep wasn't in the cards. my mind's busy with it's favorite past-time...daydreaming. or in this case nighttime daydreaming. i really think i'm a champion daydreamer. i mean, i daydream HARD; it gets me in trouble! the scenarios i come up with for any and all situations are borderline ridiculous. pipe dreams, if you will.
a few interesting tidbits from the wonder that is wikipedia (and my own thoughts in bold):
re: daydreaming
While daydreaming has long been derided as a lazy, non-productive pastime, daydreaming can be constructive in some contexts. There are numerous examples of people in creative or artistic careers, such as composers, novelists, and filmmakers, developing new ideas through daydreaming. Similarly, research scientists, mathematicians, and physicists have developed new ideas by daydreaming about their subject areas.
In the late 1800s, Toni Nelson argued that some daydreams with grandiose fantasies are self-gratifying attempts at "wish fulfillment".and what's wrong with that, i ask!
re: pipe dreams
A pipe dream is a fantastic hope or plan that is generally regarded as being nearly impossible to achieve. The term derives from the opium pipe, and dates to the late nineteenth century when opium smoking was common in the United States.who knew???
i feel like my dream of going back to school is a pipe dream right now...but if i throw enough PMA (positive mental attitude, see below) at that thing it just might come true.
one of the 'see also' links on the daydreaming wikipedia page was "Thinking about the immortality of the crab." obviously i was all "what the...?" i should have known...
The phrase is a Spanish idiom usually used to express that an individual was daydreaming, "When I have nothing to do I think about the immortality of the crab" (Cuando no tengo nada que hacer pienso en la inmortalidad del cangrejo). It is also used to wake someone from a reverie,"Are you thinking about the immortality of the crab?" (¿Estás pensando en la inmortalidad del cangrejo?)
hey guy
Spanish idioms are the best...they're so crazy! A couple off my favorites which this crab one will be added...
“Aquí hay gato encerrado” - “There’s a cat locked up here” aka “There’s something fishy going on here”.
“Eso lo sabe hasta el gato” - “Even the cat knows that" aka “Everybody knows that”.
"Daydreaming is looked upon negatively because it represents 'non-doing' in a society that emphasizes productivity," says John McGrail, a clinical hypnotherapist in Los Angeles. "We are under constant pressure to do, achieve, produce, succeed."
my first thought was ugh that is so true and typical of americans. but then i reconsidered...yeah, we should be driven to do, achieve, produce and succeed. you only live once and shouldn't you DO while you're here...but when pressure is added to the mix things get tricky. it's got to come from your own will. live and let live, i say. now for the PMA. in the last year or so i've made a concerted effort to live life on that posi tip. if you're interested in some quick, light, cheesy but possibly life-altering reading, pick up Creative Visualization. not to get too geeky on you, but ever since i put its ideas into practice i've been a pretty happy girl.
PMA - POSITIVE MENTAL ATTITUDE Positive mental attitude, or PMA, is a psychological term which describes a mental phenomenon in which the central idea is that one can increase achievement through optimistic thought processes. PMA implies that one has a vision of good natured change in one's mind; it employs a state of mind that continues to seek, find and execute ways to win, or find a desirable outcome, regardless of the circumstances. It rejects negativity, defeatism and hopelessness. Part of the process of achieving PMA employs motivating "self talk" and deliberate goal-directed thinking.
it's raining buckets outside and i'm headed off to bed...but not without a bad brains lullaby...
Don't care what they may say We got that attitude! Don't care what they may do We got that attitude! Hey, we got that P.M.A.! Hey, we got the P.M.A.! Hey, we got the P.M.A.!
on my way from the subway this morning i saw 10 reds caps...count 'em, T-E-N reds caps in only 4 city blocks. i'll never cease to be amused by that trend.
speaking of the nati, i'll be heading home a week from today. get to see my preggers sister and sister-in-law, go to a real thrift store, spend time with the fam AND friends...and even go with Jess to her doctor's appointment to learn the sex of Baby Mason. ____________________________________________________________________________________
though i miss the marc jacobs of yore, i still think the man is a genius. and love him. and i could care less about victoria beckham but appreciate that she has a sense of humor about herself. really enjoyed the recent nytimes article on juergen teller...
you can get out of town if you don't like these ads
a friend recently put me on henry darger. dude was insane and wrote a 15,000 page fantastical manuscript called The Story of the Vivian Girls, in What is Known as the Realms of the Unreal, of the Glandeco-Angelinnian War Storm, Caused by the Child Slave Rebellion (phew!) and made hundreds of drawings and watercolors to illustrate it. OH and nobody knew about them until right before he died. i really dig his work...already put the documentary about his life in my netflix Q. i was all "i'm going to read his biography, too!" but it costs nearly $500! WTF?! i'm going to do some further investigating and try to track it down, but...seriously?!
i encourage you to google for larger images...gotta get in close to really appreciate
darger traced a lot of his work from pix in magazines/papers/etc. i think i spot the Coppertone girl's head on the right!
darger's work reminds me of another mentally insane artist...Richard Dadd. at one point before he was diagnosed as 'not all there,' Dadd had to fight off urges to attack the Pope. me, too,, too.
I was taken by one of his faery paintings at the Tate in London this summer.
okay okay so i've done some soul searching lately, okay not really, but if i'm going to BLOG i decided it shouldn't be all consumery, consumptive, greedy-seeming, and whatnot. because i'm really not all about that. yeah i appreciate the finer things in life, but i also like to read, enjoy funny things and honestly don't have money to be spending on STUFF. well reading and funny things are also finer things, but you know what i'm saying. i've got to stop. i want to travel so i need to save my money for that. YEAH...i dig that.
so anyway...on to GRAND THINGS. not necessarily of the material variety anymore.
i gotsa date tonight! cute outfit today, ta boot. looking forward to that...
people around me aka my friends are DOING things. i really respect that. i wish there was something i really really wanted to do. i've got the motivation, just lackin the vision right now. ryan's going to be a famous pastry chef. rosie's going to be a famous fashion designer. and i'll be cheering them on along the way...while i contemplate going back to school (on the DL)...
need to sign up for some more races so i stay motivated to run. i also need to get back to running outdoors now that it's so nice out...68 DEGREES today, people! nothing better than that first real spring day, don't you agree?