Thursday, April 10, 2008

a change is a comin'

okay okay so i've done some soul searching lately, okay not really, but if i'm going to BLOG i decided it shouldn't be all consumery, consumptive, greedy-seeming, and whatnot. because i'm really not all about that. yeah i appreciate the finer things in life, but i also like to read, enjoy funny things and honestly don't have money to be spending on STUFF. well reading and funny things are also finer things, but you know what i'm saying. i've got to stop. i want to travel so i need to save my money for that. YEAH...i dig that.

so anyway...on to GRAND THINGS. not necessarily of the material variety anymore.

i gotsa date tonight! cute outfit today, ta boot. looking forward to that...

people around me aka my friends are DOING things. i really respect that. i wish there was something i really really wanted to do. i've got the motivation, just lackin the vision right now. ryan's going to be a famous pastry chef. rosie's going to be a famous fashion designer. and i'll be cheering them on along the way...while i contemplate going back to school (on the DL)...

need to sign up for some more races so i stay motivated to run. i also need to get back to running outdoors now that it's so nice out...68 DEGREES today, people! nothing better than that first real spring day, don't you agree?

two (?) springs ago in mccarren park

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