Wednesday, February 25, 2009

takeshi murata not takashi murakami

seems as though takeshi murata is blowing up these days! i suppose it helps that kanye bit his style with his video for 'welcome to heartbreak,' doesn't it? shouldn't be surprised as this isn't the first time (and surely not the last) kanye rips something off and proclaims he's an originator (justice's 'd.a.n.c.e.' yielding kanye's 'good life' ring a bell?).

anyway, 'ye hatin' aside, takeshi murata is an artist worthy of all the praise. he figured out a way to use the beauty of mishap and manipulate what was formerly an error in a deliberate manner. check it out...

i love the sand art vibe of this one

a still from takeshi's 2007 dvd, Untitled

below is the kanye vid. now i'm not a complete hater, i realize that the video incorporates new elements, but you'd be a fool to not acknowledge takeshi as the inspiration...