Monday, June 15, 2009


been out and about doing stuff so much lately i don't even feel like my apartment is mine. letting the dishes sit in the sink for more than a day hasn't even been giving me ocd guilt cause i know i won't be seeing them. out of sight out of mind.

go see: tyson, the hangover. will see: food, inc.

if you haven't already read all of michael pollan's book, do so now

just discovered discovery today. comprised of one part ra ra riot and one part vampire weekend i was surprised i liked them because i'm not into either of those bands. and not gonna lie, i mostly decided to give it a listen because i liked the album art so much. it's dreamy poppy stuff, a little tahiti 80, a little röyksopp...but not quite.

anyway, go listen

and speaking of röyksopp, they provide the soundtrack to this cool SCAD student video. i've definitely seen stop motion with post-its before, but whether or not this is completely original doesn't matter...dude put in a ton of work. only an art school student would have enough time to do this...

loving the little bomb guy

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